4th cycle: Planning of the evaluation framework

The planning of the fourth evaluation framework for higher education institutions has started
Audits of higher education institutions (HEIs) have been carried out in Finland since 2005. The main purpose of the evaluations has been to evaluate whether the HEIs' quality work meet the European quality assurance standards (ESG) as well as support the HEIs in developing their operations and achieving their own goals. The third cycle of audits ended in 2024. Planning of the fourth HEI evaluation framework is carried out during autumn 2024 and spring 2025.
The FINEEC Higher Education Evaluation Committee appointed in August the 4th cycle planning team. The team members are:
- Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta, CEO, Sivista, the association of Finnish Education Employers (FEE) (chair)
- Tove Ahlskog-Pursiainen, Quality Manager, Hanken Swedish School of Economics
- Heidi Fagerholm, Rector, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
- Ville Jäppinen, Executive Director, Students at Risk
- Timo Lappi, CEO, The Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa
- Elias Pekkola, Associate Professor, Vice Dean, Tampere University.
FINEEC experts Mirella Harri and Mira Huusko also take part in the team’s work.
The Higher Education Evaluation Committee nominated on 17 December 2024 an international expert group, which will be consulted during the planning process. The members of the international expert group are:
Cristina Ghițulică, Director, Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), Vice-Chair of the ENQA Board, Bologna Follow-up Group, Chair of Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance, Romania.
Ronny Heintze, Deputy Director, AQAS, International Development, Germany
Oliver Vettori, Dean, Accreditation & Quality Management and Director, Programme Management & Teaching and Learning Support, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Austria
The legal and European basis of quality evaluations of higher education institutions
According to the Universities Act, " The universities must evaluate their education, research and artistic activities as well as the effectiveness thereof. The universities must also regularly participate in external evaluations of their activities and in quality assurance systems. The universities must publish the results of the evaluations they have organised."
According to the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, " Universities of applied sciences shall evaluate their education and other activities and their impact. Universities of applied sciences shall also regularly participate in external evaluation of their activities and their quality assurance systems and publish the results of evaluations they have organised."
The European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) have been incorporated into the HEI evaluation frameworks. One of the aims of the evaluation is to evaluate how the Finnish HEIs meet the European standards.
The revision of the ESG has begun under the leadership of E4 organisations (ENQA, EUA, EURASHE, ESU). E4 will propose a revised version of the ESGs to the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) by 2026. The revised ESG is planned to be adopted by 2027 Ministerial conference. The revision will also concern the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes.
Indicative project timeline
Autumn 2024
Planning team: purpose, objectives, structure and themes
Consultations with key stakeholders and the Higher Education Evaluation Committee
Benchmarking of manuals
Spring 2025
Planning team: pilot manual, including criteria
Consultations with key stakeholders, international expert team and the Higher Education Evaluation Committee
National seminar 2nd April
Benchmarking of reports
Early autumn 2025
Adoption and publication of pilot manuals
Piloting of the 4th cycle
Publication of revised manuals
4th cycle begins