State and effectiveness of preparatory education and instruction in the pupil’s own mother tongue (2020–2022)
Goals of evaluation
The evaluation produces national information on the current state and effectiveness of instruction preparing for basic education. It takes into account the perspectives of pre-primary education, basic education and those young people who have arrived in Finland too late to complete comprehensive school. The evaluation of the state and effectiveness of instruction of the pupil’s own mother tongue looks at how the instruction has been organised. In addition, factors that promote and hinder teaching and learning will be examined. Development recommendations will be drawn up on the basis of the evaluations.
The evaluations are linked with the Right to Learn development programme implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Further information:
Salla Venäläinen
Head of Unit
Management and administration, General education
+358 29 533 5549

Tanja Laimi
Senior Evaluation Advisor
General education
+358 29 533 5567
Helsinki, On leave of absence