Evaluation of undergraduate medical education

Higher education

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) conducted an evaluation of undergraduate medical education in 2017-2018. The main aim of the evaluation was to produce an overall picture and information on the state as well as strengths of the education as well as development recommendations in relation to the changing competence requirements in doctors’ work and their future operating environment. The evaluation of undergraduate medical education was conducted in accordance with the principle of enhancement-led evaluation which emphasises participation as well as trust between the party implementing the evaluation and the evaluation participant, as well as the responsibility of higher education institutions in enhancing the quality of their operations. The results of the evaluation were published in spring 2018.

Summary: Educating Doctors for the Future – Evaluation of Undergraduate Medical Education in Finland 
Video of the final seminar

The evaluation was conducted by an international evaluation team as follows:

  • Emerita Professor, Professor Marjukka Mäkelä, National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland, University of Copenhagen (chair of the evaluation team)
  • Professor Gerda Croiset, VU University of Amsterdam
  • Medical Director Ermo Haavisto, Satakunta Hospital District
  • Senior Lecturer Riitta Möller, Karolinska Institutet
  • Emeritus Professor Christopher Stephens, University of Southampton
  • Medical Student Joel Telkkä, University of Helsinki, Finnish Medical Students’ Association.

Further information on the evaluation:

Kuva Hannele Seppälästä.

Hannele Seppälä

Vice Director
Head of Unit
Management and administration, Development Services
+358 29 533 5550 Helsinki
Sirpa Moitus.

Sirpa Moitus

Counsellor of Evaluation
Higher education
+358 29 533 5518 Helsinki