Evaluation of science education

Higher education
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Image: Jennifer Griffin on Unsplash

FINEEC will carry out an evaluation of science education in universities between the years 2023 and 2025. The evaluation project plan (in finnish) has been approved by the Higher Education Evaluation Committee on May 21, 2024.

Evaluations in different study fields in higher education will produce an overall picture of the strengths and development areas in the examined degree programmes in relation to the competence produced by the qualifications and their relevance to working life as well as continuous learning. The evaluation will also produce information about the capacity of higher education institutions to develop the education they offer to correspond to the changing requirements for competence and the future operating environment. 

The evaluation in the field of science education covers the Bachelor of Science, Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy degree programmes at universities.

This evaluation of science education covers a range of disciplines including chemical and physical sciences, biological and environmental sciences, earth sciences, mathematical sciences, and statistics. The education in computer sciences and information technology will undergo a separate evaluation at a later stage.

The following persons have been appointed as the evaluation team at the Higher Education Evaluation Committee meeting on November 24, 2023:

  • Professor Jan Lundell, University of Jyväskylä (Chair)
  • Dean of Education Saana-Maija Aho, University of Oulu
  • Director of Research Infrastructures Tero Eklin, Finnish Environment Institute 
  • Professor, Vice Dean Laura Hirsto, University of Eastern Finland
  • Senior Lecturer Annika Meinander, Åbo Akademi University
  • Professor, Vice Dean of Education Sami Moisio, University of Helsinki
  • Student Arvi Tolvanen, University of Turku.


More information on the evaluation

Niina Nurkka

Niina Nurkka

Senior Evaluation Advisor
Higher education
+358 29 533 5573 Helsinki