Evaluation of the quality management systems of vocational education and training providers 2022
The objective of the evaluation was to provide information on the status of VET providers’
quality management and quality management systems and the implementation of
the national quality strategy for vocational education and training 2030 (Aiming for
excellence). In addition to this, the aim was to provide VET providers with motivation
and support for the continuous development of their own quality management and
quality management systems, develop quality and evaluation competence and highlight
and share the good quality management practices of VET providers.
Evaluationraport in Finnish with English abstract:
Ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjien laadunhallinnan tila 2022
The Status of Vocational Education and Training Providers’ Quality management 2022
1. The status of VET providers’ quality management is good
2. Participation of students and staff in the development of quality and quality
management has increased.
3. Differences between VET providers in the level of quality management remain
4. Level of quality management better in the areas of awarding of qualifications
and provision of VET and prerequisites for providing VET than in other evaluation
5. VET providers’ evaluations varied the most by type of educational institution,
language of instruction and Regional State Administrative Agency area.
6. The strengths and development needs of quality management are similar across
groups with different levels of quality management.
7. The role of staff and stakeholders should be strengthened in VET providers’
objective setting, and communication about results should be increased.
8. Quality management of VET provided at workplaces and other learning
environments, working life cooperation and partnerships in need of development.
9. The majority of VET providers evaluate their quality management systems as a
10. VET providers have made progress in implementing the quality strategy.
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