Study on the causes and background factors resulting differences in learning outcomes between and within the genders (2020–2021)
FINEEC conducted a study on the causes and background factors resulting differences in learning outcomes between and within the genders. This study was conducted between the years 2020–2021. The aim of the study was to produce information on the factors promoting or impeding the realisation of equality in education and methods that could be used to level out the impacts of these underlying factors in learning outcomes. These issues were examined from the perspectives of education policy, gender equality policy and employment policy.
Based on analyses of prior research, evaluation and development project outcomes and recommendations, a synthesis was created regarding the reasons for differences in learning outcomes between and within the genders as well as the development measures proposed in earlier studies in different policy sectors. Based on the analysis of these findings, development recommendations and proposals for measures were outlined for developing basic education with a view to reducing gender segregation.
Information about the results (in Finnish)
PowerPoint-presentation about the results (in Finnish)
Report: Taking action to make gender equality reality – Causes and backgrounds of the differences in learning outcomes between and within genders in basic education (Summary in English)
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