The evaluation of higher education in law

FINEEC carried out in 2020-2021 an evaluation of higher education in law.
Education in the field of law provides diverse competence with a focus on general legal knowledge. A large number of degree programmes are offered, and they cover the field comprehensively. However, to respond to future competence needs and to develop their teaching practices, higher education institutions must carry out multidimensional cooperation with other higher education institutions and together with the world of work. Lawyers with an excellent knowledge of Swedish and holders of a Bachelor of Business Administration degree focusing on law are also needed more in the field. Although there is a wide range of continuous learning available in the field of law, more cooperation could be conducted to develop it and the responsible parties could be agreed more clearly.
All the higher education institutions offering education in law and 33 degree programmes from universities and universities of applied sciences participated in the evaluation. The evaluation was conducted by a nine-member evaluation team.
Evaluation report
- The evaluation of higher education in law (FINEEC Publications 22:2021 in Finnish)
Evaluation process and data
A wide range of data was used in the evaluation. The evaluation process and data collection are described in the figure below.

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