Research use of evaluation data sets
Would you like to use FINEEC's evaluation data sets for research purposes?
While conducting evaluations, FINEEC produces dozens of evaluation data sets each year, and they can also be used by researchers and students. FINEEC retains the ownership to any data sets used for research.
FINEEC is also responsible for handing over data sets collected with the quality evaluation system Valssi. Valssi is a digital evaluation system maintained by us, and used at the early childhood education and care to produce systematic evaluation information for the development of the sector. Our customer service ( will answer questions concerning Valssi data sets.
Criteria for data disclosure
The right to use evaluation data is granted if FINEEC’s criteria are met. We use discretion and, for example, comply with the valid data protection principles. We may also refuse to grant access rights if the volume of work required to process the data is considerable or if the research project is not in line with FINEEC's values.
Charges for data use
Provisions on fees charged for using FINEEC’s data sets are laid down in the Act on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State (150/1992). The fee is based on the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree on Fees Charged for the Finnish National Agency for Education’s Services (160/2021).
Data user’s responsibilities
A designated researcher is responsible for ensuring that the data are used in compliance with the terms of use laid down in the agreement. If the data user is working on a thesis or doctoral dissertation, this responsibility rests with their supervisor.
The source of the data must be cited in research publications. Once the research project has been completed, FINEEC must be informed of any publications produced on the basis of the data by sending an e-mail to
Instructions for applicants
Send your application for data use to You can download an application form below (in Finnish):
The application must include:
- FINEEC's evaluation data set that the application concerns, identified as accurately as possible
- A research plan (name of the research project, research questions, requested data sets and their intended use as well as any funding received)
- Supervisor’s approval and signature (applies to Master's theses and dissertations)
If you are writing a thesis or doctoral dissertation, the applicant for access rights is the supervisor of your work.

Other requests for information
Citizens have the right to be informed of an official document, regardless of whether or not they are parties to the matter. In requests for information related to the general right of access, we comply with the Finnish National Agency for Education's guidelines. For more information on the general right of access to information, see the Finnish National Agency for Education’s web page Practices of disclosing information and information requests (in Finnish).
For further information on the use of evaluation data in research, please contact
Mira Huusko