Survey of the current state of quality management in basic education
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre implemented a survey of the current state of quality management in basic education between October and December 2021. The survey was related to the Right to Learn development programme and particularly to the work of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s working group on quality management. In addition to the current state of quality management at providers of basic education, FINEEC surveyed providers’ wishes with regard to quality management and self-evaluation. At the same time, the results of the 2016 evaluation of quality management and self-evaluation practices of education providers were updated.
Four consultation events for the survey were organised on Teams in November 2021 to a discretionary sample of basic education providers. In addition, a short preliminary questionnaire was used to collect information on the current state of quality management from the participants of the consultation events
FINEEC drew up a summary report based on the consultation events and the preliminary survey and handed over to the Ministry of Education and Culture in December. The information in the summary will be used as part of the final report of the Ministry’s working group on quality management, which will be published in spring 2022.
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