Current issues
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has audited the University of Ljubljana (UL). The university passed the audit and received a quality label valid for six years. As the…
Almost half of the new students at universities of applied sciences (UAS) have graduated from a vocational school. In the context of UAS studies, these students’ strengths include industry…
Many 9th-grade students process even simple numerical problems significantly longer than is typical for their age group. On average, the lowest-performing students were at a sixth-grade…
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) will publish several sets of topical evaluation results in winter 2023–2024. The themes of these publications include comprehensive school…
In recent years, early childhood education and care (ECEC) has seen major legislative amendments and curriculum updates. As new objectives have been set for early childhood education and…
FINEEC's old website had reached the end of its technical life cycle, and the need to redesign the website had been evident for a while. Here, we describe the key changes made to the website…
The University of Turku (UTU) passed the audit conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The University of Turku received special praise from the FINEEC audit team for…
Tampere University received special praise from FINEEC’s audit team for its effective quality management processes, which help the University identify its strengths and development areas…
The development work carried out as part of the Government’s key projects for higher education strengthened cooperation between higher education institutions and staff competence. The…
According to the results of the evaluation of higher education pedagogy, the strengths of teaching and guidance at Finnish higher education institutions are that a variety of pedagogical…