Current issues
The University of Jyväskylä was the first university to go through the third audit cycle. The university received special praise in the audit for its educational leadership and the diverse…
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has conducted an audit of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) and has awarded the institution a quality label that is…
In 2020, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre FINEEC conducted a re-audit of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) and issued a Quality Label that will be valid for six years…
The learner’s path begins from early childhood education and care, in which the most important objectives are to promote the learning capabilities and wellbeing of children and prevent their…
FINEEC evaluated the achievement of objectives in an experiment where free of charge ECEC is offered to five-year-olds. While the experiment increased children’s participation in ECEC, this…
FINEEC has published Principles of online implementation that apply to the FINEEC audits of higher education institutions 2020-2024. The Principles of online implementation is an addendum to…
The launch of literacy training in liberal adult education, the reform of basic education for adults and enhancing the flexibility of language skills requirements in vocational education and…
The impacts of the exceptional teaching arrangements and the challenges they pose to the realisation of equality and equity are similar at the different levels of education. The main…
The engineering degree programme in International Logisctis at JAMK University of Applied Sciences was re-awarded the European EUR-ACE label following an accreditation by the Finnish…
Enhancement-led evaluation is a key operating practice at FINEEC and also has a legislative basis. Enhancement-led evaluation is essentially associated with promoting participation, striving…