Horse care and management

Vocational education


The most common grade awarded to students in the Vocational Qualification in Horse Care and Management was ‘good’. The VET providers cooperate with each other actively and the development of working life relevancy is well underway. However, there is still need for development in the guidance and assessment skills of workplace instructors.

A national evaluation for vocational qualification in horse care and management implemented in 2015-2018. The evaluation data was obtained from grades given for demonstrations and the data describing the arrangement of such demonstrations. The evaluation covered approximately 340 students and all 8 VET providers offering the qualification in question.

The national final report was released in 2019.

Further information

Bulletin on the results (the link will be updated)

Report: Hakamäki-Stylman, V. Ammatillinen osaaminen hevostalouden perustutkinnossa [Vocational competence in the Vocational Qualification in Horse Care and Management]. Publications 9:2019. Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. (the link will be updated)

Contact persons at FINEEC

Paula Kilpeläinen

Paula Kilpeläinen

Counsellor of Evaluation
Vocational education
+358 29 533 5557 Helsinki
Veera Hakamäki-Stylman

Veera Hakamäki-Stylman

Senior Evaluation Advisor
Vocational education
+358 29 533 5555 Helsinki, Vanhempainvapaalla