Youth and leisure instruction
Based on the remarkably high grades, the various areas of expertise were well mastered in vocational skills demonstrations by future youth and leisure instructors. Almost all of the demonstrations were recorded in actual working situations, and male and female students achieved equally good results. With the vocational education reforms, the degree will be replaced next year by the Vocational upper secondary qualification in Education and Instruction.
Evaluation of vocational competence in the upper secondary level vocational qualification in youth and leisure instruction implemented between 2013 and 2016. The evaluation covered all students that had started studying towards the Vocational Qualification in Youth and Leisure Instruction in vocational upper secondary education and training (VET) in autumn 2013. The evaluation continued until their graduation in spring 2016. The evaluation material was compiled from the grades given for the students’ demonstrations of their vocational skills, and from the complementary material describing the organisation of the demonstrations. The evaluation involved a total of 16 providers and almost 400 students.
The final report was published in 2017.
Further information
Bulletin on the results (the link will be updated)
Jalolahti, J., Stylman, V., Räkköläinen, M. and Kilpeläinen, P. Ammatillinen osaaminen nuoriso- ja vapaa-ajan ohjauksen perustutkinnossa [Vocational competence in Vocational Qualification in Youth and Leisure Instruction]. Publications 25:2017. Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. (the link will be updated)
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