Processing industry
Based on the grades obtained, the students had good command of the different competence areas in process industry demonstrations. The majority of the demonstrations were performed in the workplace, and women and men obtained equally high grades in them. Process industry vocational education and training is well placed to take on the challenges created by the VET reform.
Evaluation of vocational competence in the upper secondary level vocational qualification in processing industry implemented between 2013 and 2016. In the evaluation, the students who had started studying for the vocational upper secondary qualification in autumn 2013 were monitored until spring 2016. The evaluation data was obtained from grades given for vocational skills demonstrations and from supplementary data describing the arrangement of such demonstrations. The evaluation comprised a total of 15 providers of vocational education and training (VET) and 156 students.
The final report was published in 2017.
Further information
Bulletin on the results (the link will be updated)
Report: Kilpeläinen, P., Jalolahti J. & Stylman V., 2018. Ammatillinen osaaminen prosessiteollisuuden perustutkinnossa [Vocational competence in the Vocational Upper Secondary Qualification in the Processing Industry]. Publications 15:2018. Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. (the link will be updated)
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