Assessment of learning outcomes in mathematics in the 9th grade of basic education

Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education


The assessment of learning outcomes in mathematics at the end of basic education is implemented between October 2014 and October 2015. The purpose of the assessment is to produce reliable information on how well the objectives of the 2004 national core curriculum for basic education have been met, on the level of mathematic skills.

A mathematics test was implemented in April 2015 in two parts. The first part of the test was completed electronically, while the second part of the test was completed as a traditional paper-pencil test. The results will be evaluated electronically. In addition, background surveys will be conducted among the pupils, teachers and rectors to gain information on factors affecting learning outcomes in mathematics, such as the amount and methods of education provided, teaching arrangements and pupils’ study attitudes.

A report will be written on the evaluation results. In addition, a publication containing articles by researchers, who will provide a more in-depth analysis of the various aspects of the evaluation data, will be produced.

The evaluation results will be published in early-2016.

FINEEC contact person

Jari Metsämuuronen

Jari Metsämuuronen

Counsellor of Evaluation
Development Services, Mathematics, Methodology
+358 29 533 5516 Helsinki, On leave of absence