Calls for closer cooperation with employers in VET in the field of natural and environmental protection and nature-based services

The majority of natural and environmental protection and nature-based services students are adults and hold at least an upper secondary qualification. The strengths of graduates include competence related to sustainable development and social responsibility. However, there is room for improvement in students' entrepreneurial activities and digital skills. Educational institutes and employers also need to develop their cooperation.
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has completed its evaluation of the professional competence provided by the vocational qualification in natural and environmental protection and further vocational qualification in nature-based services and related pedagogical activities. The evaluation included all vocational education and training (VET) providers offering these qualifications. The evaluation involved examining the completed study units and competence of approximately 2,500 students.
Cooperation between VET providers and employers needs to be improved
In the context of both qualifications, there is room for improvement in the cooperation between VET providers and employers as regards workplace education and training and competence demonstrations.
Employer representatives should be more closely involved in the planning of workplace education and training and the implementation of competence demonstrations together with students and teachers. In addition to this, educational institutions must ensure that students receive guidance and support in accordance with their individual needs at the workplace, says Senior Evaluation Advisor Raisa Hievanen.
As a general rule, competence demonstrations should be carried out at workplaces, and employer representatives should participate in their assessment. However, in the context of both qualifications, one third of demonstrations were performed at educational institutions. Furthermore, more than one third of competence demonstrations performed in the context of the vocational qualification and approximately one fifth of competence demonstrations performed in the context of the further vocational qualification were assessed without an employer representative.
Studies should have a greater focus on entrepreneurial activities and digital skills
In the context of both qualifications, one of the strengths of graduates is competence related to sustainable development and social responsibility, which includes operating in a way that respects nature and minimising environmental impacts. The other strengths of vocational qualification graduates include knowledge of nature and the environment and the capacity to guide customers and groups. The strengths of further vocational qualification graduates, on the other hand, include strong and varied competence, including campcraft, basic guidance, identification of plants and mushrooms, knowledge of nature and species, and occupational and customer safety.
However, graduates need stronger entrepreneurial know-how and digital skills. The field of natural and environmental protection and nature-based services is very entrepreneur-focused, so learning about entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurship as part of VET is important, says Counsellor of Evaluation Paula Kilpeläinen.
Furthermore, the marketing and sale of products and services in the sector often take place on social media, which must be taken into account in VET. In fact, different study modules, projects and customer projects should be implemented in a way that supports the development of digital, communication and interaction skills and entrepreneurial activities. Doing so requires cooperation between teachers and instructors, says Kilpeläinen.
Room for improvement in the competence of teachers and workplace instructors
It is important for high-quality and employer-oriented VET that the competence of teachers is up to date and that workplace instructors possess the necessary guidance and assessment skills. As regards the former, there is room for improvement particularly in teachers’ familiarity with the employment market, employer networks and subject matter know-how. As regards workplace instructors, there is room for improvement particularly in the way that they interact with students, take students’ needs into account and provide feedback.
Having teachers engage in active cooperation and networking with employers is a tried and tested way of maintaining and developing the expertise of both parties. In the case of workplace instructors, personal training and regular communication are effective ways of ensuring competence, especially in light of the fact that there are so many small and one-person companies in the sector, says Counsellor of Evaluation Paula Kilpeläinen.
In 2023, the vocational qualification in natural and environmental protection was completed by 291 people and the further vocational qualification in nature-based services was completed by 321 people. Graduates typically find employment as nature and wilderness guides and natural resource producers, for example. According to statistics service Vipunen, in 2021, 61% of the holders of a vocational qualification in natural and environmental protection were employed and one fifth were unemployed one year after graduation. At the same time, three quarters of the holders of a further vocational qualification in nature-based services were employed and just over a tenth were unemployed. In light of these numbers, it is important for VET providers to monitor the employment of their students and to seek ways to support their graduates in finding employment.
FINEEC will publish the results of the evaluation on 12 September 2024. The publication seminar (page in Finnish) offers education providers, teachers and employer representatives an opportunity to engage in peer learning and the sharing of good practices.
Hakamäki-Stylman, V., Hievanen, R. & Kilpeläinen, P. Ammatillinen osaaminen ja pedagoginen toiminta luonto- ja ympäristöalan perustutkinnossa ja luontoalan ammattitutkinnossa (‘Professional competence and pedagogical activities in the vocational qualification in natural and environmental protection and the further vocational qualification in nature-based services’). Publications 21:2024. The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre.
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Raisa Hievanen