External evaluation of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
The Ministry of Education and Culture has commissioned the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to carry out an external evaluation of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The objective of the evaluation was to determine whether the FINEEC evaluations provide a reliable information base for policy-making and whether the recommendations for action produced by the evaluations are feasible. The evaluation's framework was based on three aspects: relevance, coherence and effectiveness.
The main findings and recommendations of the report focus on the strategic role and autonomy of FINEEC and its ability to respond to changing information needs. The evaluation report also addresses the planning of FINEEC's activities, the balance of resources and the integration between evaluations. In addition, the evaluation's findings focus on the usefulness of FINEEC's activities and the utility of evaluation results, in particular for policy-making.
The evaluation report is available on the OECD website, Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) | OECD.
FINEEC´s self-assessment for the OECD external evaluation:
Additional information

Harri Peltoniemi