FINEEC has published its self-assessment for the ENQA external review

FINEEC has published its self-assessment report in which it describes and assesses its activities especially with regard to the European standards and guidelines for quality assurance of higher education. The self-assessment has been prepared in connection with the ENQA external review of FINEEC in September 2021.
An international review panel evaluates FINEEC and its higher education evaluation activities
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) evaluates FINEEC and especially its higher education evaluation activities. If FINEEC passes the external review, it shows that external quality management of higher education institutions in Finland functions well, is trustworthy and meets the European standards.
The external review is conducted by an international review panel nominated by ENQA. The members of the review panel are:
- Bryan Maguire, Director of Quality Assurance, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), Ireland – Chair, quality assurance professional
- Ronny Heintze, Commissioner for International Affairs, Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS), Germany – Secretary, quality assurance professional
- Terhi Nokkala, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute for Educational research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland – Academic
- Alexandra-Simona Zamfir, PhD student in Medicine, “GRIGORE T. POPA”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy IASI, Romania – Student
The panel conducts an online visit to FINEEC in September 2021. During the visit, the panel interviews representatives of FINEEC staff, higher education evaluation committee, evaluators, higher education institutions, Ministry of Education and Culture and other stakeholder groups.
The decision and the report of the external panel are published in February 2022.
The review focuses on FINEEC’s compliance with the European standards for quality assurance
In the review, FINEEC will need to show compliance with the ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area) in order to pass the review and to renew its membership in ENQA and listing in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
FINEEC’s Unit for Higher Education and Liberal Adult Education has prepared a self-assessment report in which it describes and assesses FINEEC’s activities in general and especially with respect to ESG. The self-assessment, among others, deals with audits of higher education institutions, thematic evaluations and EUR-ACE engineering programme accreditations.
The ongoing review is the third external review of FINEEC (and its predecessor FINHEEC) conducted by ENQA. FINEEC (and FINHEEC) passed the previous reviews in 2011 and 2017.
For further information, please contact
Counsellor of Evaluation Mirella Nordblad,, +358 29 533 5541
Senior Evaluation Advisor Mira Huusko,, +358 29 533 5565