Information Technology
When measured by grades, the competence of students completing the Vocational Qualification in Information Technology is on average good or excellent. However, there are wide differences between VET providers in the grades awarded, working life relevance and demonstration activities. In addition, the skills of workplace instructors should be improved.
Evaluation of vocational competence in the upper secondary level vocational qualification in information technology was implemented between 2015 and 2018. The evaluation data was obtained from grades given for vocational skills demonstrations and the data describing the arrangement of such demonstrations. The evaluation covered approximately 1,300 students and all 38 VET providers offering the qualification in question.
The final report was published in 2019.
Further information
Report: Hakamäki-Stylman, V. Ammatillinen osaaminen tieto- ja tietoliikennetekniikan perustutkinnossa [Vocational competence in the Vocational qualification in Information and Telecommunications Technology]. Publications 11:2019. Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. (the link will be updated)
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