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Finnish education evaluation centre (Karvi)
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Current issues
Opinions and statements
Policy briefs
Webinar recordings
Early childhood education and care
Guidelines and recommendations for evaluating the quality of early childhood education and care
Valssi – National quality evaluation system for ECEC
Background and development of Valssi
Training and support material
Evaluation tools
The Early Childhood Education and Care Quality Evaluation Network
Piloting of the evaluation tool for Sámi early childhood education and care
Thematic and system evaluations
Evaluation of the implementation of anti-bullying activities and methods aiming to prevent bullying by children and supporting socio-emotional skills in early childhood education and care
Current state of quality management in early childhood education and care
Evaluation of the realisation of ECEC for children under the age of three
Annual calendar for data collections in ECEC
Pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education
Learning outcomes evaluations
Assessment of learning outcomes in A syllabus of English in basic education grade 7, autumn 2018
Evaluation of learning outcomes in long syllabus English grade 9, spring 2021
Assessment of learning outcomes in A syllabus of Finnish in basic education grade 9
Assessment of learning outcomes in mathematics at the end of basic education in 2021
Longitudinal assessment of learning outcomes in basic education, first and third grade
Assessment of learning outcomes in mother tongue (L1) and literature in the final stage of basic education
Learning outcomes evaluations 2014–2015
Thematic and system evaluations
Evaluation of the new forms of student counselling (OHJA) 2022–2024
Enhancement-led evaluation in the action plan supporting the capabilities for attending school of students with an immigrant background (KIEPPI), 2022–2024
Mapping of Longitudinal data of Inequalities in Education (MapIE)
Social Inclusion Research Project
Evaluation of the implementation of the national core curriculum for pre-primary and basic education
Evaluation of methods that prevent bullying and improve wellbeing and the working atmosphere
Immigrants’ educational pathways
Realisation of the cultural and social rights of children living in rural and archipelago areas in changes made to the school network and impact of the closures of comprehensive schools on the vitality of regions
Survey of the current state of quality management in basic education
Impacts of exceptional teaching arrangements related to the COVID-19 epidemic
Study on the causes and background factors resulting differences in learning outcomes between and within the genders (2020–2021)
Evaluation of the engaging school community work
State and effectiveness of preparatory education and instruction in the pupil’s own mother tongue (2020–2022)
General upper secondary education
Thematic and system evaluations
Evaluation of the general upper secondary education reform (LUKA)
Evaluation of the new forms of student counselling (OHJA) 2022–2024
Vocational education
Learning outcomes evaluations
Electrical and Automation Industry
Evaluation of the vocational qualification and the further vocational qualification in the wood industry
Evaluation of the vocational qualification in mechanical engineering and production technology and the further and specialist vocational qualifications in production technology
Evaluation of the vocational qualification in natural and environmental protection and the futher vocational qualification in nature-based services
Evaluation of the vocational qualification in safety and security and further vocational qualification in the security sector
Piloting the Evaluation System in the Vocational Qualifications in Logistics and Social and Health Care and the Further Vocational Qualification in the Transport Sector
Thematic and system evaluations
Evaluation of education in the ECEC sector
Finding employment after vocational education
Teaching, teacherhood and pedagogical leadership
The provision of special support in vocational education and training
Competence provided by VET in relation to the requirements of studies at universities of applied sciences
Overall evaluation of the qualification system of vocational education and training
Ability of the education system to respond to challenges of continuous learning in sudden structural changes
Immigrants’ educational pathways
Evaluation of education in the maritime sector 2020–2022
Quality of demonstration activities and the competence shown in vocational competence demonstrations
Evaluation of the new forms of student counselling (OHJA) 2022–2024
Workplace education and training and working life cooperation in VET
Individual study pathways in vocational education and training
Evaluation and support of quality management
Evaluation of the quality management systems of vocational education and training providers 2022
Evaluation of the quality management systems of vocational education and training providers, 2015
Support for evaluation and quality management
Overview of the key findings of evaluations of vocational education and training
Higher education
4th cycle: Planning of the evaluation framework
Audits of higher education institutions 2018–2024
Audit of the University of Ljubljana in 2023-2024
Audit of the Aalto university 2023
Audit of Åbo Akademi University 2022
Audit of Centria University of Applied Sciences 2023
Audit of the University of Graz 2021
Audit of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences 2023
Audit of Häme University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of Hanken School of Economics 2023
Audit of the University of Helsinki 2022
Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun auditointi 2024
Audit of the University of Eastern Finland 2022
Audit of JAMK University of Applied Sciences 2019
Audit of the University of Jyväskylä 2021
Audit of the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences 2021
Audit of the Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Audit of the LAB University of Applied Sciences
Audit of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences 2023
Audit of the University of Lapland 2022
Audit of the Laurea University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of LUT University 2021
Audit of the National Defence University 2023
Audit of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences 2024
Audit of the University of Oulu 2023
Audit of Police University College 2023
Audit of the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of Savonia University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of The University of the Arts Helsinki 2024
Audit of the Tampere University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of Tampere University 2023
Audit of the Turku University of Applied Sciences 2022
Audit of the University of Turku 2023
Audit of the University of Vaasa 2024
Audit of the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences 2021
Audit of Xamk University of Applied Sciences 2021
Audit of Arcada University of Applied Sciences 2023
Audit of Novia University of Applied Sciences 2019
Audit timetable 2018–2024
Audit register for higher education institutions
Quality Label for Excellence
Higher education institutions awarded with Quality Label for Excellence
Complaints and appeals procedures for audits
Audits of quality systems 2012–2018
Evaluations of study fields
The evaluation of higher education in bioeconomy
Evaluation of science education
Evaluation of fields of study: humanities, business, technology and social sciences
Evaluation of undergraduate medical education
Evaluation of education in the maritime sector 2020–2022
The evaluation of higher education in law
The evaluation of higher education in social and health care
Thematic and system evaluations
Competence provided by VET in relation to the requirements of studies at universities of applied sciences
The evaluation of the state and renewal of higher education pedagogy
Evaluation of Government’s key projects for higher education 2017–2022
Evaluation of education in the ECEC sector
Ability of the education system to respond to challenges of continuous learning in sudden structural changes
IIEP-Unesco Project on Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher education
Immigrants in higher education
Engineering programme accreditations
FINEEC Committee fo Engineering Edcation
Instructions and further information for the HEI considering accreditation
Register of accredited engineering programmes
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Guidelines for the foreign agencies carrying out EUR-ACE accreditations in Finland
External evaluation
ENQA external review 2021–2022
ENQA external review 2016–2017
Quality Assurance Fit for the Future (QA-FIT) project
Liberal adult education
Thematic and system evaluations
Evaluation of the new forms of student counselling (OHJA) 2022–2024
Evaluation of literacy training for immigrants
Immigrants’ educational pathways
Societal impact and accessibility of liberal adult education (2025–2026)
Basic education in the arts
About us
Plan for Education Evaluation 2024–2027
Plan for Education Evaluation 2020–2023
Information production on focus areas
About our evaluations
Enhancement-led evaluation
Research use of evaluation data sets
FINEEC’s evaluation and quality management concepts
Evaluation services subject to a fee
Audit services for international schools following the Finnish education model
FINEEC's Organisation
Evaluation Council
Higher Education Evaluation Committee
Development of FINEEC’s operations
For Students
Support for quality management
For the media
Ask questions and give feedback
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Sääʹm ouddpeâmm ärvvtõõllâmtuâjjneävv pilott 2022-2023 (sms) (pdf, 528 KB)