
Vocational education

A national evaluation for vocational qualification in sports implemented in 2014-2017. The evaluation data was obtained from grades given for demonstrations and the data describing the arrangement of such demonstrations. The evaluation covered approximately 267 students and all 7 VET providers offering the qualification in question.

The national final report was released in 2018.

Report: Kilpeläinen, P. Ammatillinen osaaminen liikunnanohjauksen perustutkinnossa [Vocational competence in the Vocational Qualification in Sports]. Publications 22:2018. Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. (the link will be updated)

Contact persons at FINEEC

Paula Kilpeläinen

Paula Kilpeläinen

Counsellor of Evaluation
Vocational education
+358 29 533 5557 Helsinki
Veera Hakamäki-Stylman

Veera Hakamäki-Stylman

Senior Evaluation Advisor
Vocational education
+358 29 533 5555 Helsinki, Vanhempainvapaalla