The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) will publish several sets of topical evaluation results in autumn 2023. Among other things, these publications deal with comprehensive school students’ learning outcomes, new forms of student counselling introduced as compulsory education was extended, and the competence produced by vocational education and training in relation to the requirements of studies at universities of applied sciences.

The National Defence University received special praise from FINEEC’s audit team for its systematic development of education provision and the functioning of its feedback systems. The University provides integration with working life as part of an officer’s career path and opportunities to continuously develop one’s competence during the career. Students and external stakeholders are engaged in the development work, and the pedagogical manuscripts drawn up by the University are exceptionally comprehensive.

Hanken School of Economics passed the quality audit conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) with an international team of peer reviewers. The importance given to internationalisation, alumni and corporate relations are strongly visible in Hanken’s activities. Hanken is good at capitalising on its own strengths and taking advantage of national and international collaborations to enhance its activities and impact.

Lapland UAS passed the audit conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The audit team praised the UAS for its long-term and systematic stakeholder cooperation based on partnership agreements and for the quality work that is an integral part of its everyday operations.

The engineering Degree Programme in ICT at Jamk University of Applied Sciences was awarded the European EUR-ACE label following an accreditation by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). The degree programme was accredited for the first time in 2017 and therefore, this was the reaccreditation.

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences passed the audit conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). Haaga-Helia UAS received special praise from the audit team for its competence oriented degree programmes and enhancing relevance of degree programmes and societal impact in co-operation with working life.

Centria University of Applied Sciences received special praise from FINEEC’s audit team for its strong role as a collaboration partner and reformer of competence of the region’s industries and companies. Centria’s international and multicultural operating environment creates significant added value to the staff and students and makes it possible to strengthen the competence base in the institution’s operating area.

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